Simon Hjermind Jensen
“Dear Tree” 2019
Drawing / collage 70 x 100 cm
Photo @Simon Hjermind Jensen
Simon Hjermind Jensen is a young Danish architect, who explores organic form, space and construction in his practice which he transforms into large structures in the public space.
His works emerge from a desire to create relations with - and between - humans, structures and places. Organic forms found in landscapes and vegetation inspire Hjermind Jensen, and he has a special interest in the emotions experienced through observing these forms. The emotions create a feeling of relation and belonging. And Hjermind Jensen sees an architectural potential in this. It has led him to the concept of sympathy: Through a sympathetic relationship with form, space and structure it is possible to establish a feeling of belonging.
In recent years he has added a ceramic aspect to his practice. This allows him to fully integrate an intuitive approach into the process, and further develop the theory of his construction technique.
The works of Simon Hjermind Jensen have been featured in several architectural magazines, such as Arkitekten (Danish), A10 (European), Pasajes Arquitecture (Spanish) and Concept (Korean), as well as in books by Gestalten, Braun and Birkhauser, and online.
He graduated in 2007 from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture in Copenhagen with part of his study time at RMIT in Melbourne.
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“Portrait of a Human”, digital print on fabric, detail. Photo@Henriette Sabroe Ebbesen